What is an AVR Toolchain? This is a 2nd instructable on Toolchains. In the first we described ATMEL’s Toolchain and use Notepad++ to run it.    AVR Toolchain is a collection of tools/libraries used to create applications for AVR microcontrollers. This collection includes compiler, assembler, linker, and binutils (GCC and Binutils) and Standard C library […]

This is a remake of the example of the rotary encoder with a 16×2 LCD display with an added feature: sleep mode. It uses the rotary library from Ben Buxton with the modified push button feature by Phill Fisk. A rotary encoder is a position sensor that is used to determine angular position of the […]

In this example, I’m using a rotary encoder with a 20×4 LCD display in order to control a menu. This is a simple example that also uses the rotary library from Ben Buxton and modified by Phill Fisk, who included the push button feature. In this example, cursor moves up and down until the top […]

In this example, I’m using a rotary encoder with a 16×2 LCD display in order to control a menu. This is a simple example that uses the rotary library from Ben Buxton and modified by Phill Fisk, who included the push button feature. A rotary encoder is a position sensor that is used to determine […]

I’ve searched throughout the internet for an efficient way to use a Rotary Encoder. As usual, I’ve found tons of information: with and without libraries, with and without debounce subroutines…but finally I’ve ended up with Buxtronix rotary encoder This site gives us a library that uses a Finite State Machine (FSM) which eliminates the debounce […]

This table was made with programmable neo pixels and Atmega2560. https://youtu.be/u4so1Kth36k It was constructed based on the excellent instructable by MarkQ8: https://www.instructables.com/id/Arduino-LED-Coffee-Table/  

Meet Frankie, my first robot! You can find all the details in the following instructable: https://www.instructables.com/id/Robot-Car-With-Bluetooth-Camera-and-MIT-App-Invent/

I just came across to another way of bootloading ATmega8: probably the best. There is a Github (https://github.com/MCUdude/MiniCore) that is supporting bootloaders for ATmega8, ATmega48, ATmega88, ATmega168 and ATmega328. There is also support for other AVRs , check https://github.com/MCUdude All you have to do is install the library and bootload using another Arduino (Arduino as […]

Arduino UNO as ISP, OptiLoader sketch and Arduino IDE 1.6.5. This is one of the 4 methods I will be describing for programming an ATmega8 with a Bootloader. I have split this instructable in four sections so that the reader can directly access its preferred method. In this section, we will use arduino UNO, OptiLoader […]

USBTinyISP programmer, 16 MHz bootloader, modified board.txt (half speed) and Arduino IDE 1.0.5. This is one of the 4 methods I will be describing for programming an ATmega8 with a Bootloader. I have split this instructable in four sections so that the reader can directly access its preferred method. In this section, we will use […]